Remember to Play!

Today’s Show

Welcome to episode 33 of the JOY Factor Podcast.

Today’s Guest is Jeff Harry 

Jeff Harry shows individuals and companies how to tap into their true selves, to feel their happiest and most fulfilled — all by playing. Jeff has worked with Google, Microsoft, Southwest Airlines, Adobe, the NFL, Amazon, and Facebook, helping their staff to infuse more play into the day-to-day.
While we spend most of our time pretending to be important, serious grownups, it’s when we let go of that facade and just play, that the real magic happens. Fully embracing your own nerdy genius — whatever that is — gives you the power to make a difference and change lives.  Jeff believes that we already have many of the answers we seek, and by simply unleashing our inner child, we can find our purpose and, in turn, help to create a better world.
Thank you to Prose Hair for sponsoring this episode. I love their products because they make my hair look, feel and smell great!
TWITTER: @prosehair
FACEBOOK: @prosehair
HASHTAG: #prosehair, #prosepraise

What We’ll Learn

  • It’s ok to play.
  • It’s a skill we all have but need to remember.
  • You deserve to have some play in your day.
  • A playful attitude is contagious.
  • Just for today…remember to play!

Reach out to Jeff


Instagram: @jeffharryplays

Twitter: @jeffharryplays

Your Joy Factor

It is a true honor to bring this podcast to you and I am so grateful that you took the time to listen. Did you learn anything that can help you with your own joy factor? If so, pass it on to your friends and family and give us a positive review at  The JOY Factor Podcast.

Do you have a second to complete this brief listener survey? It helps our show track who is listening so we can create topics of interest to you!


Digital Detox

Welcome to episode 15 of the JOY Factor. Today we’re talking about the benefits of taking a break from technology and setting the stage to help you take your own detox. If your internet habits leave you feeling a little edgy, frustrated or down, take heart. You don’t have to give up your phone but you can greatly benefit from reigning it in and being more intentional with your use. 

This is a call to give yourself the space to reflect on how you’re spending the time and seize the opportunity to make changes where you need to. 

Enjoy the show and let me know what you think!

The Power of Compassion

During the month of September The JOY Factor is taking a stand against domestic violence. Support Helping Services for NE Iowa Domestic Abuse Resource Center to honor my niece Sena’s memory and raise awareness of intimate partner violence

Register for the 2nd Annual Sena Hanson Memorial Walk/Run/Bike 5k on 10/1/16 or make a donation (every dollar counts)

Thank you for your support!

Today’s guest is Dr. Jennifer Sippel. She is the Clinical Director for Cultural Transformation VA North Texas Health Care System and a Certified Compassion Teacher who received her training Stanford’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education. Jen spells out simple but effective ways to begin an informal compassion practice and outlines some of the science behind the power of compassion. 

Compassion Resources

Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education


Krstin Neff


Brene’ Brown


Paul Gilbert-compassion focused therapy


Brian Cox


Neil Degrasse Tyson


Shout Outs!!

First Unitarian Church of Dallas

Luther College


About Dr. Sippel

Dr. Jennifer Sippel is the Clinical Director for Cultural Transformation at VA North Texas Health Care System.  She Chairs the Patient Centered Care Committee and serves on the Organizational Health Council.  She is currently in the process of creating and will chair the Complimentary and Integrative Health (CIH) Steering Committee.  Dr. Sippel created a new hiring process and is leading activation for a new five-provider primary care VA clinic in Plano, Texas, which will include five health coaches funded by Dr. Sippel’s Whole Health Partnership grant awarded by the Office of Patient Centered Care and Cultural Transformation.  The Plano VA Primary Care Clinic will serve 6,000 Veterans house many innovation projects in support of the Plano Whole Health Pathway design and implementation.  Dr. Sippel’s program evaluation and research areas of interest include complementary and integrative health (CIH), spinal cord injury home care, health care employee resilience, experiential learning models, Whole Health implementation and outcomes, VA hiring practices, and values-based organizational change.  In 2014, Dr. Sippel trained at Stanford School of Medicine, Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) and received her certification as a Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) teacher.  She has developed many unique Veteran and employee training programs, including Autonomy Support Training (AST).  Dr. Sippel is a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of Texas and provides executive/leadership coaching services to VA leaders and private clients. Contact her


 “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein

Remember Your Connection to Nature

On today’s episode, Boulder’s own Cat Pantaleo joins me to discuss the power of connecting with nature and the ancient wisdom that’s waiting for all of us to remember.  Cat generously shared her time and wisdom and her words will remind you of the power of nature and the impact of stopping to listen to it. She gave pointers on simple, yet inspiring practices  to connect with the wild life all around us and discussed the amazing work of Feet on the Earth, a non-profit organization committed to helping youth connect with nature. 

Resources discussed on the show:

Feet On The Earth– Growing community from the ground up.

Wilderness Awareness School– So many great resources on this site!

Books to check out

About Cat

Catherine Pantaleo CN CCH has a Bachelors Degree in Biology from the University of Miami, and is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and Herbalist. For the past 12 years, she has taught a variety of holistic health and life science subjects at several Boulder/Denver area schools, including: Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies, Seven Bowls School of Nutrition, North American Institute of Medical Herbalism, Healing Spirits Massage Training Program, and Nutrition Therapy Institute. Recently she has shifted her focus from adult to youth education and in May 2012 completed the Women’s Apprenticeship program at Feet on the Earth, which focused on nature-connection mentoring, primitive/survival skills, children’s development, and Rites of Passage. Catherine also is a Naturalist in training; she is enrolled in the Kamana Naturalist Training Program, a correspondence program through the Wilderness Awareness School. Using Nature as a classroom, her goal is to co-create a community whose members are confident in who they are, have knowledge of self and place, and have compassion and respect for all life.

Remember the Basics

Today’s guest is Jason Doorish and we’re talking about remembering the basics when it comes to joy. Jason is a Licensed Professional Counselor and he’s an expert on bringing mindfulness into the day every day. He reminds us that often the best things in life are the simplest and we all could benefit from chilling out a bit more and taking life less seriously wherever possible. When it comes to intentional joy he recommends starting where you are and operating from the understanding that we all have more power than we think over the situations life throws at us.

A few tips to remember:

  1. When you start on this path. It’s ok to fail.  Know that you won’t have a perfect plan but be on the look out for things you can commit to.
  2. Build a life step by step that promotes joy. Get enough sleep, eat breakfast and take naps!
  3. It’s not just one thing but each practice strung to the next that helps to create a sense of expansion and joy.
  4. Accept that you’re going to have bad days. Good emotions and bad emotions come and go.
  5. Be open to figuring out what your small joys are and then pursue them. 
  6. Remember to be Self-Full


Contact Jason at

The Mindfulness Solution